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Showing 13-24 of 36 featured insights

Risk Management

Risk management at the enterprise level is influenced by different pressures. Some are external – such as compliance or regulations – others internal as… Continue reading Risk Management

15 July 2024 • 2 months ago

Tax Compliance

Family businesses are historically one of the main pillars supporting the Country’s economy. These businesses are undergoing a period of… Continue reading Tax Compliance

15 July 2024 • 2 months ago

The Importance of Human Capital Management

What do you think is the most valuable resource in an organisation?  Well, the answer is employees. These are the individuals that spend the… Continue reading The Importance of Human Capital Management

15 July 2024 • 2 months ago

Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS)

We all remember hearing about Agenda 21 and the United Nations’ 1992 Earth Summit in Rio which was where the… Continue reading Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS)

15 July 2024 • 2 months ago

Why should you value your business?

Valuing a business may be initiated by shareholders of a company for various reasons and at various stages of the… Continue reading Why should you value your business?

15 July 2024 • 2 months ago

How do I know when to use business intelligence for my business?

Let’s start with a cheeky Google search on a layman’s definition for Business Intelligence (from here on in, simply BI).   It’s… Continue reading How do I know when to use business intelligence for my business?

15 July 2024 • 2 months ago

Any company can embrace ESG principles

‘Many think that ESG practices concern exclusively large companies. ESG implies sustainable practices and sustainability is good for any business,’… Continue reading Any company can embrace ESG principles

15 July 2024 • 2 months ago

The Importance of Thinking Strategically

Both our personal and professional lives have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic which took Malta by storm in March… Continue reading The Importance of Thinking Strategically

15 July 2024 • 2 months ago

Tuning Fork lauds recent launch of Government’s ESG portal

‘This portal is a fantastic initiative that will shine a spotlight on the ESG credentials of companies listed on the… Continue reading Tuning Fork lauds recent launch of Government’s ESG portal

15 July 2024 • 2 months ago

How can a company be ISO 27001 certified and have Information Security skilled workforce?

There is a cyberattack every 39 seconds.  Cloud based attacks rose 630% between January and April 2020.  80% of firms… Continue reading How can a company be ISO 27001 certified and have Information Security skilled workforce?

15 July 2024 • 2 months ago

Food Safety Management Systems in Restaurants: Apply and Implement Peace of Mind

In any restaurant, quality food is a basic expectation. Providing peace of mind to your customers however, leads to increased… Continue reading Food Safety Management Systems in Restaurants: Apply and Implement Peace of Mind

15 July 2024 • 2 months ago

The Drivers of Employee Engagement

When employee engagement is higher this has a direct impact on productivity, retention rates, profits and customer satisfaction. Who wouldn’t… Continue reading The Drivers of Employee Engagement

15 July 2024 • 2 months ago

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