Available to: self-employed, family businesses, registered companies, start-ups (less than 4 years), partnerships
Deadlines: self employed-24th March 2021, companies-26th May 2021
All Conditions to be met: employed no more than 50 full time employees, turnover not exceeding €10 Million, employed at least 1 person on full or part time basis, unless exempted; must be registered with VAT Department
Eligible costs: invoiced during year 2020, increase in wage costs, upgrade of business premises, machinery, computer hardware & software, development costs for websites and digital applications, commercial vehicle with at least Euro 5 engine
Applicable support: 45% of eligible expenditure, capped to €50,000 over 3 consecutive fiscal years
Applicable support shall be increased by €20,000 capped at €70,000 over 3 consecutive fiscal years to undertakings operating from Gozo, and/or registered as a family business, and/or having more than 50% of the ownership attributed to female persons
What they get: tax credit certificate that can be utilised by the 3rd year of assessment
Special conditions for start-ups: tax credit certificate can be utilised by the 5th year of assessment, start-ups operating from Gozo are eligible for 80% of eligible expenditure
Click here to get in touch – someone from our end will get in touch to organise an informal meeting to discuss your requirements.
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