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Showing 25-36 of 36 featured insights

Business continuity: luxury or necessity?

A business relies on several critical resources, which if compromised can radically impact the business lifeline. IT systems including cloud… Continue reading Business continuity: luxury or necessity?

15 July 2024 • 2 months ago

Mitigating risks for SMEs

In uncertain times, all companies, no matter their size, face the same risks. However, the challenges SMEs tend to face… Continue reading Mitigating risks for SMEs

15 July 2024 • 2 months ago

Making the shift from HR Departments to Human Capital Departments

Human Resources departments are unfortunately often seen as neither human nor resourceful. They are frequently viewed as a department to… Continue reading Making the shift from HR Departments to Human Capital Departments

15 July 2024 • 2 months ago

An IPO can strengthen and secure the continuation of the family-run business

Most family businesses tend to be over-controlling of their destiny, which sometimes can limit their potential to grow and, in… Continue reading An IPO can strengthen and secure the continuation of the family-run business

15 July 2024 • 2 months ago

How can a company be ISO 27001 certified and have a skilled workforce?

There is a cyberattack every 39 seconds. Cloud based attacks rose 630% between January and April 2020. 80% of firms… Continue reading How can a company be ISO 27001 certified and have a skilled workforce?

15 July 2024 • 2 months ago

7 Ways for Managers to Prepare a New Recruit for Success

The most crucial people responsible for the success of new recruits are the managers who oversee their induction process. The… Continue reading 7 Ways for Managers to Prepare a New Recruit for Success

15 July 2024 • 2 months ago

Treat talent as scarcer than capital

HR professionals are constantly bombarding us with how vital it is to retain loyalty and performing employees, and how staff… Continue reading Treat talent as scarcer than capital

15 July 2024 • 2 months ago

Clock ticking on Malta’s tax reform

The Maltese Tax Law is regulated by the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1948 and is mainly based on… Continue reading Clock ticking on Malta’s tax reform

15 July 2024 • 2 months ago

Giving to Caesar what belongs to Caesar

Clear government guidance policies, principles, and procedures should be in place Following my last month’s article, in which I covered… Continue reading Giving to Caesar what belongs to Caesar

15 July 2024 • 2 months ago

An All-Encompassing Mindset

James Sammut, Partner & Chief Sustainability Officer at NOUV Winter is meant to be the season of coats, keeping warm… Continue reading An All-Encompassing Mindset

15 July 2024 • 2 months ago

Courses You Need to Spike Your Career in 2023

By Jeanine Sladden, Senior Manager Academy & Group HR Manager Recent data is suggesting that the top training certifications for… Continue reading Courses You Need to Spike Your Career in 2023

12 July 2024 • 2 months ago

ESG As a Possible Solution To Malta’s Traffic Problems

By Andrea Navarra As a professional who works in the growing ESG Directives and Carbon Disclosure, I recently had the… Continue reading ESG As a Possible Solution To Malta’s Traffic Problems

18 June 2024 • 3 months ago

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