Featured Insight
EU To Create List of Non-Cooperative Tax Jurisdictions
The European Commission has confirmed plans to draw up a pan-EU list of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions. In announcing the plans… Continue reading EU To Create List of Non-Cooperative Tax Jurisdictions
Governance As Social Responsibility
A Green Paper released by the European Commission defines Corporate Social Responsibility, more commonly referred to as CSR, as those actions which… Continue reading Governance As Social Responsibility
Five Government Agencies Attend Getgovernanz’s First Due Diligence Course
“The fact that this first course was delivered to a number of government agencies sends a very positive message to… Continue reading Five Government Agencies Attend Getgovernanz’s First Due Diligence Course
Good governance and the pandemic
No one ever predicted this pandemic. Yet today, a year on since COVID-19 broke, we are still battling a common… Continue reading Good governance and the pandemic
Micro Invest Scheme
Available to: self-employed, family businesses, registered companies, start-ups (less than 4 years), partnerships Deadlines: self employed-24th March 2021, companies-26th May 2021 All Conditions to… Continue reading Micro Invest Scheme
Business Resilience
As sure as the sun will rise, businesses will continue to face continuous turbulence. Higher volatility has become the new normal, and an uncertain business context is a part… Continue reading Business Resilience
Something Phishy: How to prevent phishing attacks
Despite improvements in technical security measures, phishing remains one of the easiest and cheapest means for criminals to steal sensitive… Continue reading Something Phishy: How to prevent phishing attacks
75% of Maltese businesses are family-owned
“Independent directors key to survival and growth of family businesses.” – Tonio Farrugia, NOUV As the world grapples the coronavirus… Continue reading 75% of Maltese businesses are family-owned
Leading a virtual team
It is safe to say that the Covid-19 pandemic brought about several changes that affected our work and personal lives. One of the biggest changes… Continue reading Leading a virtual team
Types of Phishing Websites to watch out for
Phishing attempts remain at a constant increase year after year. According to Verizon’s 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR), 22% of breaches… Continue reading Types of Phishing Websites to watch out for
Towards More Sustainable Organisations
Mark Aquilina, Managing Partner, NOUV Any investor’s main objective will always be to achieve further success and growth in the… Continue reading Towards More Sustainable Organisations
Lessons from Covid-19 so far
If the current COVID-19 crisis has taught us anything, it is that when companies come together around a common purpose, goals that may have… Continue reading Lessons from Covid-19 so far