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NOUV: Six Service Pillars, One Brand

NOUV has undergone a strategic plan to streamline its services into six pillars. At the start of 2024, NOUV developed… Continue reading NOUV: Six Service Pillars, One Brand

5 September 2024 • 2 weeks ago


As businesses, we are in this together

What our country and most parts of the world are currently experiencing is something unprecedented. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is not an issue that concerns only a specific sector but is having an adverse effect across all strata of our lives.

27 June 2024 • 3 months ago


Expecting not to be grey listed a bit of a long shot – NOUV Managing Partner

Expecting Malta not to end up on the Financial Action Task Force’s grey list is a bit of a long shot, Mark Aquilina, Managing Partner of consulting firm NOUV, says, stressing he does not want to sound too dramatic

27 June 2024 • 3 months ago


Thinking well beyond Malta’s greylisting – Mark Aquilina

The talk of town when it comes to the economy and financial matters is the possibility of Malta’s greylisting by the financial action task force overseeing the execution of initiatives in the Moneyval report.

27 June 2024 • 3 months ago

Strategy Learning Finance

Mapping a vision for Malta – Mark Aquilina

A fellow Maltese, Edward Debono, coined the concept of lateral thinking in 1967. Now, ironically, this concept seems to be… Continue reading Mapping a vision for Malta – Mark Aquilina

27 June 2024 • 3 months ago


Stop and Think

A business should never stop reinventing itself in some form or another. Thus, it should also introduce fresh ideas, especially… Continue reading Stop and Think

27 June 2024 • 3 months ago


Just like a Rolling Stone

“….How does it feel to be on your own, with no direction home, like a complete unknown, like a rolling… Continue reading Just like a Rolling Stone

27 June 2024 • 3 months ago


Your Company Values: Do They Mean Anything?

“Identifying one’s company’s values and blowing trumpets about them could seem fancy and fashionable. But it is never enough. Serious… Continue reading Your Company Values: Do They Mean Anything?

27 June 2024 • 3 months ago


Malta’s First Responsible Gambling Week

Responsible gaming is crucial. Our Technology Partner Andrew Naudi attended the first Responsible Gambling Week held in Malta by the Malta Gaming Authority between… Continue reading Malta’s First Responsible Gambling Week

27 June 2024 • 3 months ago


NOUV To Present iGaming Services at SIGMA

To date, around 2.8 million professionals work in cybersecurity globally, but an additional 4 million trained workers will be needed… Continue reading NOUV To Present iGaming Services at SIGMA

27 June 2024 • 3 months ago


Leading By Example: Working Responsibly From Home

At NOUV we shall lead by example. As of next week, our offices shall be closed for clients, and all our staff… Continue reading Leading By Example: Working Responsibly From Home

27 June 2024 • 3 months ago


COVID19: Going forward

Dear friends, What our country and most parts of the world are currently experiencing is something unprecedented. The ongoing COVID-19,… Continue reading COVID19: Going forward

27 June 2024 • 3 months ago

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We work with ambitious leaders who want to define the future, not hide from it. Together, we achieve extraordinary outcomes.

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