Welcome to this second newsletter and the beginning of our 14th year in business. It seems the year is off to a good start with the onboarding of new clients and staff members.
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Malta Chamber teams up with Get Governanz for first anti-corruption webinar
“Corruption is a complex socio-economic issue which cannot be fought through a one-size-fits-all approach. Strenghthening legislation and enforcement are important……
Stop and Think
A business should never stop reinventing itself in some form or another. Thus, it should also introduce fresh ideas, especially……
The NOUV Link – Issue 3
Welcome to this third newsletter of The NOUV Link. Download your copy of The NOUV Link here:
INTERVIEW – James Sammut: Consolidating towards sustainable growth
Give me some background about yourself and your professional career. I graduated as a Mechanical Engineer in 1995 and after……