15 July 2024Nouv
2 months ago

Both our personal and professional lives have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic which took Malta by storm in March 2020 earlier this year. Although there are times when situation seems to be looking up, it is difficult to measure the actual impact this has had on the economy and local organisations. It is still unclear if more changes are yet to come, and what these might be.

Throughout this period, numerous local organisations have been focusing on doing their best to survive and manage the organisation as effectively as possible. However, it is at times like these that organisations need to think more strategically. It is crucial to see the bigger picture and not to solely focus on your daily work or that of the team. In order to continue to thrive and not only survive as an organisation, it is essential to understand always keep abreast on how the industry will be shifting in the coming months, and plan the next steps sooner rather than later.

Strategic thinking is a technique and mindset that all employees within the organisation can and should practice, irrespective of role and responsibility. Thinking strategically helps any and all personnel work more efficiently, and in turn channel time to be spent where it will have a greater impact in the long run.

Becoming a strategic thinker in 4 easy steps:

  1. Choose to focus on the big picture and stop getting lost solely on day-to-day activities. Don’t miss the woods for the trees.
  2. Get an overall sense of what is happening within your industry, target markets and the world in general – keep up with the pulse of your market.
  3. Be willing to take some risks.
  4. Anticipate the market, and look for opportunities.


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