15 July 2024Nouv
7 months ago

There is a cyberattack every 39 seconds.

Cloud based attacks rose 630% between January and April 2020.

80% of firms have seen an increase in cyberattacks.(Reference: Fintech News August 2020)

How can a company be ISO 27001 certified and have Information Security skilled workforce?

The number of companies acquiring ISO 27001 certification has grown by over 450% in the last decade. This statistic sets it as one of the most popular cybersecurity global standards in the world.

The ISO 27001 standard lays out in clear terms the best practice for an Information Security Management System (ISMS). When an organisation ‘achieves ISO 27001 certifiction’, it means that the company has implemented the security best practices prescribed by the International Standards Organisation (ISO).

What is an ISMS?

ISMS stands for Information Security Management System.

It provides a clear cut framework for data management and security based on an integrated set of policies, methods, technologies, and ensures compliance to data laws like the EU’s GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and EU member states information security and cyber-security regulatory oblibations.

Companies having a robust ISMS can rest assured that any information that they have collected from clients is secure against cyber attacks. They are also in a position to adapt accordingly to evolving security threats, while at the same time cutting down the costs of their information security.

Why are organisations getting ISO 27001 training & certification?

Cyber attacks and data breaches are affecting organisations irrespective of their sizes. There has been a 25% increase in cyber attacks in 2019 (as compared to 2018). This figure was further seen to rise substantially in 2020, due to the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

An ISO 27001-conforming ISMS helps in mitigating the high risk of such information breaches, and the system is designed to assist organisations to effectively manage their security practices – all in one place, round-the-clock, and cost-effectively.

An independent study carried out in 2018 on organisations that had implemented or were planning to implement ISO 27001, found that these organisation witnessed a number of benefits. Some of them include:

  • Improvement in data security and internal processes
  • Increased awareness on Information Security amongst staff
  • New business opportunities
  • An enhanced competitive edge; and
  • Reduced cost related to data breaches. 

Before being assessed for ISO 27001 certification, an organisation must fully understand what the Standard expects, identify where the company falls short, then work towards filling those gaps. The ideal way to move forward in this direction is to take on a training course intended for the different employee skill-set. General Awareness training is highly recommended organization-wide, whilst technical hands-on training is ideal for tech employees and leaders. This way your organization is well-protected from possibly devastating cyber attacks, and furthermore well-informed on why this is crucial for your business.

Remember: the more informed on cyber security, the more your personnel will take care of cyber security, and in-turn, the more it will take care of you.


How can a company be ISO 27001 certified and have Information Security skilled workforce?

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