Through the understanding of workload control and injury prevention, this programme comprehensively addresses the bases that sustain strength as a quality to reduce the risk of injury, and thereby manage the correct use of training load in the field.
- Injury Prevention
- MODULE 1: Basic concepts in epidemiology and injury prevention
- MODULE 2: Muscle injury prevention
- MODULE 3: Prevention on joint injuries
- MODULE 4: Integrative reading
- Team Sports Pathology
- MODULE 1: Management of medical pathology 1
- MODULE 2: Management of medical pathology 2
- MODULE 3: Sports Specific pathologies
- MODULE 4: Special sports and competitions
- Neuromuscular Basis for Strength Training
- MODULE 1: Characteristics of the musculoskeletal system
- MODULE 2: Muscle action and its relationship to sports
- MODULE 3: Systemic changes in detraining and immobilisation
- MODULE 4: Assessment of muscular properties in relation to sport
- Strength Training Methodology: Application in Performance Enhancement and Post-Injury Rehabilitation
- MODULE 1: Contextualization: how can we adapt strength training to team sports?
- MODULE 2: Strength workload methodology in situation sports
- MODULE 3: Integrating strength workload into planning and programming of situation sports
- MODULE 4: Strength in the design of sports specific tasks. Examples based on football
- Strength and Muscle Power as Key in Injury Rehabilitation
- MODULE 1: Analysis of injury in sports: injury mechanisms and associated risk factors
- MODULE 2: Sports injuries and their relationship with the quality of strength
- MODULE 3: Strength manifestations and muscle power in the post-injury rehabilitation process
- MODULE 4: New paradigms in strength training: muscle building through vascular occlusion
- Best Practice Approach to Workload Monitoring
- MODULE 1: Weekly changes
- MODULE 2: Acute chronic load ratio: concept and calculation method
- MODULE 3: Acute chronic load ratio: application and limitations
- MODULE 4: Training load moderators and mediators
- The Training-Injury Prevention Paradox
- MODULE 1: Relationship between internal load variables, and between external load variables
- MODULE 2: Relationship between external load variables
- MODULE 3: Integrating measurements. Efficiency index
- MODULE 4: Selecting variables
Learn to:
- Develop and implement efficient, evidence-based prevention strategies
- Manage and treat sport-specific pathologies and injuries effectively
- Enhance critical thinking by exploring roles in sports science and health fields
- Boost sports performance and prevent injuries through advanced strength training and muscle power methodologies
- Design post-injury rehabilitation processes focusing on strength development
- Use workload monitoring data to optimize training and minimize injury risks
Duration: 7 months.
Average dedication: 6/8 weekly hours.
Delivered in: English.
Aimed at:
• Strength and Conditioning coaches;
• Physiotherapists;
• Return-to-Play coaches;
• Sports Physicians.
Certify your skills
Thanks to our integration with remote supervision technologies, the Verified Certificate of Approval:
- Guarantee transparency of the certification process.
- Validates the identity of the certificate holder.
- Accredits the acquisition of specific competencies and skills.
- 24-hour access to study material, from anywhere on any device.
- Accompaniment, monitoring, and virtual support from an expert in the field.
- Activities and assessments with personalised feedback.
- Discussion forums and interaction with colleagues from all over the world.
- Certificate issued by Barca Innovation Hub and endorsed by the corresponding institution.
- Self-assessment to measure your learning progress.
A good understanding of injuries and the human body would be beneficial.