15 July 2024Nouv
2 months ago

“The fact that this first course was delivered to a number of government agencies sends a very positive message to the business community and demonstrates that continuous training is recognized as necessary to meet significant challenges when conducting due diligence responsibilities.”

This was stated by Terrence Norris, Chief Executive Officer of Getgovernanz Ltd following the first three-day course to twenty Government officials on how to optimize ‘Due Diligence’ responsibilities.

The course, delivered by Mr L. Burke Files, President of the International Due Diligence Organisation (IDDO), was attended by officials from the Malta Business Registry, the Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit, the Malta Financial Services Authority, the Malta Individual Investor Programme Agency and the Malta Gaming Authority.

The three-day course was conducted online and was sponsored by the Government of Malta through the National Coordination Committee on Combating Money Laundering and Funding of Terrorism. It focused on the importance of effective and efficient due diligence planning and execution to broaden the participants’ skills and data sourcing knowledge.

All participants will receive the Due Diligence Certificate (DDC), which entitles them to new and continuous sources of technical knowledge in the field and also gives them a membership in the IDDO network of DDC holders.

“This was the first course that we conducted since NOUV, a multidisciplinary firm of certified and experienced public accountants and auditors, launched Getgovernanz earlier this year. This is our new corporate initiative to promote good and sound corporate governance amongst the private and public sectors,” explained Terrence Norris.

“In this context, course participants’ exposure to the subject was achieved through the analysis of real case studies, which enhanced their capabilities to address these challenges more effectively and efficiently” continues Terrence Norris.

Getgovernanz was set up in collaboration with the American Anti-Corruption Institute (AACI) together with the International Due Diligence Organisation (IDDO) and in partnership with the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Hospitality.

The aim of these training programmes is to offer any organisation with training programmes and advisory services, which focus on anti-corruption, fraud awareness, due diligence and anti-money laundering, investigation planning, effective remote interviewing, and case management.  We work with management to clearly set out what their needs are and accordingly ‘tailor make’ our services to their requirements. All courses and training programmes are officially accredited by the American Anti-Corruption Institute and other associated Partners.

The next course is scheduled for the end of October to accommodate the high level of interest generated by the first course. Further details may be obtained on the website www.getgovernanz.com or by contacting Getgovernanz’s offices for more guidance on our  training programmes and the solutions that would best suit your company’s needs.


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